The railway from Hanoi station to Danang station is about 764 Kilometers. There are 4 trains including SE1, SE3, SE5 and SE7 (which belong to Reunification Express train) train on this route.... |
 | 15 Hours |  | Vehicle: |
Price for 1 person:
$ 39
The railway from Hanoi station to Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) station is 1726... |
 | 34 Hours |  | Vehicle: |
Price for 1 person:
$ 78
Started running in January 2009 till now, the local overnight train en route Hanoi - Nanning is available for you daily, normally depart at the late... |
 | 12.5 Hours |  | Vehicle: |
Price for 1 person:
$ 56
Dien Bien Phu was one of the century's turning points, a devastating conflict that altered the fates of three nations: Vietnam, France, and eventually, America. The battle at Dien Bien Phu brought the eyes of the world to a remote... |
Price for 1 person:
Vietnam - This S-shaped land stretch on the eastern edge of the Indochinese peninsula is inhabited by 54 ethnic groups with as... |
Price for 1 person:
$ 35